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In this essay, we reflect about the relationship between memory and language, conceiving both as complex functional systems, developed along the human history and strongly influenced by culture. We give special emphasis to the mediating role of signs, mainly based on the (neuro)psychological principles postulated by Vygotsky and Luria, but also in dialogue with several authors from the fields of Linguistics, Philosophy of Language and Semiotics, among which Mikhail Bakhtin, Aleida Assmann, Augusto Ponzio and Susan Petrilli. Two data are presented in order to contribute to our reflection – the first is extracted of a dialogical episode with a subject diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and the second episode with an aphasic individual. In sum, we argue that the cultural-historical approach may provide a better understanding of the interdependent and constitutive nature of the relationship between language and memory. 

Key-words: Memory, Language, Historical-Cultural perspective, Neurolinguistics, Semiotics


Marcus Vinicius Borges Oliveira 

State University of Campinas. E-mail: marcus.oliveira.fono@gmail.com

Rosana do Carmo Novaes Pinto

State University of Campinas. E-mail: ronova@terra.com.br


DOI 10.33234/SSR.15.6