Expertise, Leadership Style and Communication in Interfunctional Coordination


  • Eva Tomášková

    Department of Financial Law and Economics, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic


The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the effect of expertise, leadership style and communication on coordination by electrical engineering companies. It is unexceptionable that expertise, communication, teamwork and mutual cooperation are fundamental for interfunctional coordination (IFC). A questionnaire in the form of the Likert scale was prepared, it involves information about IFC. The questionnaire was tested for internal consistency and reliability using Cronbach alpha. The complete database of 60 SMEs was analysed by using statistical software package Minitab, version 17. Spearman’s rank correlation test was used to answer the hypotheses. The main findings show: (1) A positive correlation among items related to expertise and communications and IFC. (2) Some positive correlation among items related to leadership style and IFC – positive correlation shows only with team-work and mutual cooperation. The results of the paper can assist companies in their attitude towards IFC, by reason that companies can better implement IFC. The novelty of the paper is in determination some possible connectedness of IFC, concretely the correlation among experts, leadership style and communications with IFC of a company. The results of the paper can assist companies in their attitude towards IFC, by reason that companies can better implement IFC.


interfunctional coordination, expertise, leadership style, internal communication, strategic management

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How to Cite

Tomášková, E. (2018) “Expertise, Leadership Style and Communication in Interfunctional Coordination”, Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 26(2), pp. 103–111.


