Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 204—222



UDC 372.881.111.1

Ezhova Tatiana Vladimirovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Stukolova Elena Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Orenburg State Pedagogical University




The paper discusses implementation of the blended learning technology in the field of a foreign language teaching taking into consideration modern regulatory requirements in the sphere of education. These requirements, among other things, comprise the development of competence in the application of information technology, which is particularly important during the period of quarantine measures and distance learning (e-learning) both for school and university students.
In accordance with the set goal and objectives, the authors identified through the theoretical analyses the most effective blended learning models, designed a simple algorithm for implementing blended schooling in the process of developing foreign-language skills in distance-learning conditions, tested the exercises within certain topics for developing speech skills of trainees in a distance form according to a given algorithm in the context of realizing the potential of blended learning.
The results of the given study confirm the assumption that the educational process in a distance format will be effective with implementation of the authors’ algorithm, blended learning models, modern Internet resources, services, video hosting platforms, which are presented in this paper. The results of the research can be used in the work of specialists in the field of general and higher education in the system of a foreign language teaching. The study of blended learning as a tool in distance learning shows prospects for further research in the sphere of blended models usage at different levels of education, stages of school education in the process of foreign language instruction during potential quarantine measures. The research in the field of non-educational Internet technology and resources that allow implementing interactive methods in distance learning is of equal importance.

Key words

Blended learning, blended learning models, distance learning, technology, interactive instruction, video conference platforms, Internet resources, information technology, algorithm.


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Bibliography link to this article:

Ezhova T. V., Stukolova E. A. Blended learning technology in distance schooling. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2021, no. 2 (38), pp. 204—222. DOI: