Journal Article PUBDB-2020-03853
Spatially inhomogeneous competition between superconductivity and the charge density wave in YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{6.67}$

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Nature Publishing Group UK [London]

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Abstract: The charge density wave in the high-temperature superconductor YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$ (YBCO) has two different ordering tendencies differentiated by their c-axis correlations. These correspond to ferro- (F-CDW) and antiferro- (AF-CDW) couplings between CDWs in neighbouring CuO$_{2}$ bilayers. This discovery has prompted several fundamental questions: how does superconductivity adjust to two competing orders and are either of these orders responsible for the electronic reconstruction? Here we use x-ray diffraction to study YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{6.67}$ as a function of magnetic field and temperature. We show that regions with F-CDW correlations suppress superconductivity more strongly than those with AF-CDW correlations. This implies that an inhomogeneous superconducting state exists, in which some regions show a fragile form of superconductivity. By comparison of F-CDW and AF-CDW correlation lengths, it is concluded that F-CDW ordering is sufficiently long-range to modify the electronic structure. Our study thus suggests that F-CDW correlations impact both the superconducting and normal state properties of YBCO.


Contributing Institute(s):
  1. DOOR-User (DOOR ; HAS-User)
  2. Experimentebetreuung PETRA III (FS-PET-D)
Research Program(s):
  1. 6212 - Quantum Condensed Matter: Magnetism, Superconductivity (POF3-621) (POF3-621)
  2. 6G3 - PETRA III (POF3-622) (POF3-622)
  3. SWEDEN-DESY - SWEDEN-DESY Collaboration (2020_Join2-SWEDEN-DESY) (2020_Join2-SWEDEN-DESY)
  1. PETRA Beamline P07 (PETRA III)

Appears in the scientific report 2020
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 Record created 2020-10-15, last modified 2021-11-10

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