Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri Pada Tenaga Perawat Dan Bidan Di Rumah Sakit Pelita Insani

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Tien Zubaidah
Arifin Arifin
Yudha Afiat Jaya


Abstract: The use personal protective equipment on nurses and midwifes in Pelita Insani’s Hospital. The hospital is an institution and public services working in the field of health services with the use of equipment high technology, materials, and medicines are harmful to health for diagnostic measures, therefore, exposure of medical personnel at the hospital against hazardous materials and seedling diseases have a high risk to the health status of health personnel. The purpose of this research was  to gain an overview of the use of personal protective equipment on nurses and midwifes in Pelita Insani’s hospital, Martapura. The study was an observational cross-sectional study design, namely direct observation on the application of the use of personal protective equipment in Pelita Insani’s hospital, Martapura then analyzed based on the theories and regulations. This study did not use sampling or total population of as many as 48 nurses and midwifes in Pelita Insani’ hospital, Martapura. The results showed the male sex more is not better in terms the use of personal protective equipment (66.67%), 56.52% of nurses and midwifes in the age range 20-27 years was not good in terms of the use of personal protective equipment . Level of education, length of service and length of employment showed 58.33% was not good in terms of the use of personal protective equipment. The nurses were not good in terms of the use of personal protective equipment (62.07%). Availability of personal protective equipment in Pelita Insani’s hospital, Martapura already available enough for all nurses and midwifes. The need for counseling are scheduled on a regular basis about the benefits of personal protective equipment to increase self-awareness of nurses and midwives and accompanied with strict supervision.Keywords: Personal Protective Equipment, nurses and midwifes, hospital  

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