The value of culture in economic, technological and social transformations. Part 2
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The second part of the article begins the analysis of Janet Stevenson's cultural studies, which she conducts in the context of building a theoretical basis for the practice of sustainable development. Janet Stephenson identifies 9 blocks of meanings for the concept of "culture". She devotes a separate section to each block in the chapter “Cultural Divergence”. Based on sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, culture is defined as "education", as a "product", as "meaning", as a "structure". After a conceptual analysis, Janet Stephenson asks specific questions, the answers to which should lead to a sustainable development model of contemporary cultural communities. Professor Stephenson understands the sustainable development of modern cultural communities as cultural transformations leading to an improvement in living conditions, but not destroying the foundations for the existence of these communities. She believes that building the concept of sustainable development can be done on the basis of a synthesis of Western and traditionally rooted ideas about culture, and proposes to extrapolate the values of culture obtained in Western science to the rooted ideas of traditional societies that do not always have a scientific form.

cultural change, technological transformation, social change, unsustainable past, unsustainable present, sustainable future, culture structure, Janet Stephenson

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127. Seredkina, N. N. Sociologicheskie osnovaniya obscherossiyskoy grazhdanskoy identichnosti / N. N. Seredkina // Specifika etnicheskih migracionnyh processov na territorii Central'noy Sibiri v XX-XXI vekah: opyt i perspektivy: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, Krasnoyarsk, 25-27 noyabrya 2021 goda. - Krasnoyarsk: Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet, 2022. - S. 16-28. - EDN KSCIJJ.

128. Seredkina, N. N. Transformaciya etnicheskoy identichnosti: konceptual'nyy analiz / N. N. Seredkina // Severnye Arhivy i Ekspedicii. - 2022. - T. 6, № 4. - S. 53-62. - DOI - EDN ZMDOXS.

129. Sertakova, E. A. Kul'turnaya geografiya A. Lefevra v svete gumanitarnyh issledovaniy social'nogo prostranstva goroda / E. A. Sertakova // Teoriya i praktika obschestvennogo razvitiya. - 2012. - № 3. - S. 24-26. - EDN OWWBBT.

130. Sertakova, E. A. Filosofskie osnovaniya sovremennoy urbanisticheskoy antropologii / E. A. Sertakova // Sibirskiy antropologicheskiy zhurnal. - 2018. - T. 2, № 2. - S. 70-86. - EDN UWASBH.

131. Sitnikova, A. A. Koncept "sever" v tvorchestve Rokuella Kenta / A. A. Sitnikova // Chelovek i kul'tura. - 2014. - № 2. - S. 1-27. - EDN SCEIBV.

132. Sitnikova, A. A. Teoreticheskie, prikladnye i sinteticheskie metody issledovaniya kul'tury kak social'no-antropologicheskoy sistemy / A. A. Sitnikova // Social'naya antropologiya Sibiri. - 2021. - T. 2, № 2. - S. 6-17. - EDN ICEFEC.

133. Sitnikova, A. A. Ekologicheskiy menedzhment v Central'noy Sibiri (na materiale analiza Krasnoyarskogo kraya) / A. A. Sitnikova // Sibirskiy antropologicheskiy zhurnal. - 2018. - T. 2, № 1. - S. 58-66. - EDN XOQVQL.

134. Transformaciya gorodskoy sredy Krasnoyarska v 1991-2017 gody / E. A. Sertakova, K. A. Krupkina, A. V. Kistova [i dr.]; Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet, Gumanitarnyy institut. - Krasnoyarsk: Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet, 2019. - 76 s. - ISBN 978-5-7638-4177-0. - EDN CMBQME.

135. Upravlenie brendingom sibirskoy territorii v svete "novogo regionalizma" / K. V. Reznikova, N. N. Pimenova, A. V. Kistova [i dr.] // Sociodinamika. - 2016. - № 1. - S. 137-161. - DOI - EDN VIDGXX.

136. Shpak, A. A. Znachenie kul'tury v ekonomicheskih, tehnologicheskih i social'nyh transformaciyah. Chast' 1 / A. A. Shpak // Aziya, Amerika i Afrika: istoriya i sovremennost'. - 2023. - T. 2, № 1. - S. 76-101. - DOI - EDN ADWFQK.

137. Shpak, A. A. Issledovaniya slozhnoy etnicheskoy identichnosti v Krasnoyarskom krae / A. A. Shpak // Sociologiya iskusstvennogo intellekta. - 2021. - T. 2, № 3. - S. 60-64. - DOI - EDN LJGDZB.

138. Shpak, A. A. Konstruirovanie slozhnyh identichnostey i mezhgruppovye vzaimodeystviya v polietnichnom prostranstve / A. A. Shpak // Specifika etnicheskih migracionnyh processov na territorii Central'noy Sibiri v XX-XXI vekah: opyt i perspektivy: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, Krasnoyarsk, 25-27 noyabrya 2021 goda. - Krasnoyarsk: Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet, 2022. - S. 75-80. - EDN PFYTHH.

139. Shpak, A. A. Konceptual'nye i metodologicheskie osnovy issledovaniya slozhnyh social'nyh identichnostey / A. A. Shpak // Social'naya antropologiya Sibiri. - 2020. - T. 1, № 1. - S. 48-60. - EDN LJMMEJ.

140. Shpak, A. A. Slozhnye formy identichnosti: problemy issledovaniya / A. A. Shpak, Yu. S. Zamaraeva, N. P. Kopceva. - Krasnoyarsk: Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet, 2021. - 248 s. - ISBN 978-5-7638-4503-7. - EDN RSHYFZ

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