
The purpose of this paper is to analyze policies(or strategies) which embraced a multi-ethnic society during the reign of Kangxi(1661~1722) with documents and works of foreign missionaries(『The general history of China』and 『Memoirs of Father Ripa, during thirteen years residence at the court of Peking in the service of the emperor of China』) for considering the complicated character indwelled in the Manchu dynasty, the historical background of it, and the avenue of communication. At this time, Other materials(『淸史紀事本末』 and 『稼齋燕行錄』) will be compared with documents of foreign missionaries for accuracy of the study. The Manchu dynasty gave priority to a ruling race(滿洲族) and kept a tight rein on subject peoples, especially the Han Chinese(漢族), like other ethnocracies. In other words, the society in the period of Qing had an inflexible structure by drawing a line between a ruling race and subject peoples. Nevertheless, the worry of the Manchu dynasty about an internal struggle never stopped. According to this, the Manchu dynasty planned to have an universal authority binding a multi-ethnic society. But for this, the firm sense of sovereignty was needed. So, the Manchu dynasty began to intensify and control the sense of a ruling race and subject peoples at the same time. The Manchu dynasty each demanded different things to a ruling race(滿洲族) and subject peoples(漢族). For example, there were the self-esteem and the obedience. It passed off that they(滿洲族 and 漢族) received their own images the Manchu dynasty suggested through a variety of hunting, circumambulations, and ceremonies readily. The image making like this was of help to that the Manchu dynasty reigned a multi-ethnic society. Nevertheless, it also gave the complicated character to the society in the period of Qing and became the background of conflicts between a ruling race(滿洲族) and subject peoples(漢族). It could find out the study of the real life but, this work will be carried over to the next.


외국인 선교사 자료, 支配民族과 彼支配民族, 이미지, 巡行과 사냥, 儀禮


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