
After 20th year in the reign of Jiajing (A.D. 1541), when the Mongolian Khan Altan invaded violently the northen boarder of the Ming Dynasty, enormous amount of military provisions were sent to boarder bases from Taicangku (太倉庫 the Taicang storage) which was under the control of Hubu (戶部 the ministry of finance). And also, since the rampant invasion of Japanese pirates by 30th year in the reign of Jiajing (A.D. 1551) the need for more expenses to defend Jiangnan Territory (江南) from the invasion increased. Beside the enlarged demand for military expenses there was another request for more costs; the frequent renovation and decoration of Imperial Palaces which had been constantly done since the early stage of the reign; Gongbu (工部 the ministry of construction), whose job was to manage these construction works, had to secure the supply of budget. One of the solutions for this financial shortage was to conduct more frequently the Juanna system (捐納制), which was invented in the previous dynasty. At first, the Emperor Jiajing thought negatively of the system since the system procures money by selling the title of nobility; he, however, had to adopt the system to overcome the financial deficiency. It is possible to confirm the fact that people who paid money for the title were directly appointed to positions which had ranks from vice 9th to principal 6th grade during the reign of Jiajing. And people from Junhu (軍戶 a military household), an object of the system, was given the post of a reserve civil official on principal 5th rank. Even Wusheng (武生 a military cadet) from a military official's family could enter the national academic institution titled Guozijian (国子監). The amount of contribution was almost identical with Shengyuan (生員 a person who passed the lower civil examination) from Minhu (民戶 a civil household). Before the reign of Jiajing, a hereditary right for the title was limited to one's grandsons, relatives, the person himself, or whole descendants. There was a preferential policy which enables military officials, who was deployed out from his original post, to return to the original one by paying some silver to the government. Different from a commissioned officer who was receiving privileged treatment from the government, a noncommissioned officer, such as Xiaoqi (小旗)․ Zongqi (總旗) has to take a military examination for promotion. If any noncommissioned officer passes 10 years without taking the examination or exceeds the age limit of 30, he would be degraded to an enlisted man and deployed to a boarder base. He has to distinguish himself in battles or pass the examination 5 years later to return to his original position. To avoid such a difficult process, they rather choose to pay some money to the government. And by the contribution, they could get the title of a military official and the title was descendible. The government could raise a considerable amount of fund by the Juanna system. There was no certain usage of the raised fund, but it is still possible to estimate approximately its scale by various relevant records. If one can say the silver stored in Taicangku which was under the control of Hubu was two million liang (兩), the silver gathered by the system was over quarter of the whole tax revenues of Taicangku. Thus it is possible to say that the Juanna system was responsible for a large part of a total budget of the Ming Dynasty.


명대, 연납제, 가정연간, 재정조달, 태창고, 군호, 공부


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