Możliwość pociągnięcia do odpowiedzialności dziennikarza za opublikowanie informacji o karalności osoby publicznej mimo faktu zatarcia tej karalności

Joanna M. Karolczak

Radca prawny, ekspert ds. legislacji BAS,




In the opinion of the author, expungement of a criminal record neither repels the conviction, nor it constitutes an equivalent of an acquittal, or it completely restores the state existing before the conviction. Despite this fact, in some situations the fact of having previously committed a crime may be taken into account. A person who publicly raises his objection against a person discharging a public function does not commit a crime provided that is the objection is true and serves to protect a socially justified interest. On the other hand, providing selective information about a conviction of a public person without simultaneous information about the expungement contradicts the principles of journalistic integrity and form a basis for a civil liability for infringement of personal rights.

Słowa kluczowe

dobra osobiste, Kodeks cywilny, Kodeks karny, prawo prasowe, zniesławienie