Projekt budżetu ogólnego Unii Europejskiej na rok budżetowy 2019 – Ogólne wprowadzenie – Ogólne zestawienie dochodów – Zestawienie dochodów i wydatków w podziale na sekcje

Zofia Szpringer

Ziemowit Cieślik



The opinion presents the most important assumptions of the Draft General Budget of the EU for the fiscal year 2019. The document contains description of priorities adopted during drafting, planned revenues, expenditures, and changes over time (compared to the previous budget) in the projected amounts. The Polish government’s position on the 2019 Draft General Budget is positively assessed, including the government’s statement that during the work on the budget it will be striving for provision of the financial resources necessary to repay the liabilities contracte earlier by the Member States on behalf of the EU budget (it is particularly related to cohesion policy and development of rural areas – both being very important investment instruments in the EU).

Słowa kluczowe

budżet, Unia Europejska