Możliwość zawarcia umowy o pracę przez osobę ubezwłasnowolnioną całkowicie lub przez jej opiekuna prawnego

Dorota Dzienisiuk

Doktor hab. nauk prawnych, adiunkt, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Katedra Prawa Ubezpieczeń WARSZAWA, POLSKA,




According to the author, it should be recognized that it is admissible to conclude an employment contract, to which a completely incapacitated person would be a party. In such a case, the contract should be concluded by a guardian of such a person. Employment of a totally legally incapacitated person should meet the requirements of the Act on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons, including those relating to the performance of work in sheltered employment conditions or in a position adapted by the employer to the needs of such person. The assessment of the admissibility of employing a completely legally incapacitated
person in a kindergarten as a janitor should be performed assessing each case individually, taking into account the cause of incapacitation and the scope of facilitations introduced by the employer.

Słowa kluczowe

prawo pracy, osoba fizyczna, osoba ubezwłasnowolniona

  1. Florek L. [w:] Kodeks pracy. Komentarz, Warszawa 2017.
  2. Gersdorf M. [w:] M. Gersdorf, K. Rączka, J. Skoczyński, Kodeks pracy. Komentarz, Warszawa 2008.
  3. Gersdorf M., Zawarcie umowy o pracę, Warszawa 1985.
  4. Muszalski W. [w:] Kodeks pracy. Komentarz, red. W. Muszalski, 2019, Legalis.
  5. Stelina J., Art. 22 [w:] Kodeks pracy. Komentarz, red. A. Sobczyk, 2020, Legalis.