An Integrated Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Program Experienced by Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain

  1. Charlotte Handberg, PhD, MPH, RN*,
  1. *Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, Aarhus C, Denmark.
  2. Sano, Højbjerg, Denmark
  3. Diagnostic Centre, University Clinic for Innovative Patient Pathways, Regional Hospital Silkeborg, Silkeborg, Denmark.
  4. GCP-Unit, Aalborg & Aarhus University Hospitals, Denmark
  5. National Rehabilitation Center for Neuromuscular Diseases, Aarhus, Denmark
  1. Corresponding Author:
    Julie Bøgdal, MHS, OT, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University, Hovedgaden 86, 8220 Brabrand, Aarhus C, Denmark, Tel: +45 20840114, Email: Julie.bogdal{at}


Purpose: To examine how an integrated, multidisciplinary rehabilitation program was experienced by patients with chronic low back pain and to gain insight into how these patients integrated knowledge, skills, and behaviors obtained by the program into their everyday lives.

Materials and Methods: A phenomenological hermeneutic design using Ricoeur’s interpretation theory was used in the analysis. Data were generated through nine semi-structured interviews in patients with chronic low back pain. The study adhered to the Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist.

Results: Standardized rehabilitation efforts adapted to individual needs and provided by a highly professional healthcare team in a combination of inpatient stay and home-based activities was experienced as beneficial, because the patients were able to integrate the obtained knowledge, skills, and behaviors into their everyday lives.

Conclusions: The findings revealed that the multidisciplinary holistic approach led to higher bodily awareness, greater mental health, and increased social interaction, which improved happiness and quality of life among the patients. This study emphasizes and highlights a rehabilitation approach that promotes home-based activities to provide a base for co-creation across professions regarding rehabilitation initiatives for patients with chronic low back pain.

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