
In the era of King Kwanghaegun in the Joseon Dynasty going through the period of transition from ImJin War(倭亂) into Invasion of the Qing Dynasty (胡亂), the Joseon Dynasty has been trying to prevent and deter a war with Qing(淸, 後金). The purpose of this thesis is to study the military strategy of King Kwanghaegun and to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy. To achieve this goal, I analyze the components of the military strategy of this era,that is weapon, tactics, and defense system and evaluate the derived military strategy. In the terms of weapon and tactics, the Joseon Dynasty strived to reorganize and redevised the army with 『Jixiao-Xinshe(紀效書)』written by Qi, ji-Gunag (戚繼光), in order to prepare for the invasion of the Qing. For examples, there were skill trainings on the anti-cavalry weapons, tactics had moved from war-mobiles, infantry, cavalry, and firearms. But these weapon and tactics couldn't successfully executed, so supplemented by the Defense System(關防). The goal of defense system was to return to the Garrison Administrative System(鎭管體制) and this goal couldn't work because of the shortage in the troops, budget, technology and time. Before the battle of Simha(深河), Joseon propelled the sequential defense fort in the key terrain focus of river and hill. After the battle, Joseon propelled the showdown on the capital-area not the sequential defense. That is, Kwanghaegun tried to protect the leadership(保障處) and thus install four independence military defense facilities(防禦營) in Gyeonggi-do. The military strategy of the King Kwanghaegun was passive defensive strategy(守勢戰略) which used the weapon, tactics and defense system. The features of this era include the same aim of the strategy, that is the return of the Garrison Administrative System(鎭管體制) and the pursuit of the strategy based on the threats and capability. But this strategy had two limits. This passive defensive strategy couldn't control or prevent the expansion of the Qing's power. And in the strategy, the military wasn't in line with politics and diplomacy.


광해군, 군사전략, 거기보(車騎步) 전술, 화포(火砲), 관방(關防), 수세전략(守勢戰略)


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