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Owner: Libbi Miller
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Paper Title: Framing the Writing Classroom: Applying Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies Through Knowledge Transfer Frameworks Purpose
Session Title: Writing New Imaginaries Through Critical Consciousness, Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies, and Self-Determination
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/9/2021
Presentation Location: Virtual
Descriptors: Culturally Responsive Schooling, Social Justice, Writing
Methodology: Conceptual/Theoretical
Author(s): Libbi Miller, Humboldt State University; Lisa Tremain, Humboldt State University
Unit: SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice
Abstract: In the following theoretical position paper, we explore the connections between inclusive approaches to teaching, specifically Alim and Paris’ (2017) culturally sustaining pedagogies (CSP), and pedagogies that support writing knowledge transfer. We propose that a theoretical exploration which links these cultural and cognitive frameworks leads to a liberatory framework for the writing classroom.