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Owner: Melissa L. Gibson
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Paper Title: Enacting Critical Democratic Pedagogy: Digital Video Production as Embodied Democratic Practice
Session Title: Technology, Community Initiatives, and Citizenship Education
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/19/2020
Presentation Location: Online
Descriptors: Citizenship, Democratic Practices, Power
Methodology: Qualitative
Author(s): Melissa Leigh Gibson, Marquette University; Candance Doerr-Stevens, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Unit: SIG-Democratic Citizenship in Education
Abstract: Critical democratic pedagogy is distinct from traditional approaches to democratic education because of its embodiment of critical democratic practice in instructional approaches that prioritize the development of students’ sociopolitical consciousness, intellectual self-determination, authentic civic communities, and Socratic questioning. Through a cross-case analysis of two qualitative studies of digital video production for social inquiry in secondary classrooms, we offer digital video production as a uniquely powerful embodiment of critically reading the world through authentic, relational, and question-driven explorations of social issues. This experience of embodied democratic practice is a catalyst for students’ developing sociopolitical consciousness.