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Owner: Renae L. Bryant
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Paper Title: Educational Blockade: Structural Inequities in Segregated Southern High Schools
Session Title: Exploring Structural Inequalities in High Schools: Implications for Student Preparation, Completion, and Achievement
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/7/2019
Presentation Location: Toronto, Canada
Descriptors: Black Education, Critical Race Theory, Educational Policy
Methodology: Quantitative
Author(s): Rhonda Bryant, The Moriah Group
Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics
Abstract: Black students in the South lag behind other racial groups in college readiness, matriculation, and completion. Many Southern states have returned to defacto segregation in schools, with little scrutiny of school structures or equity. This paper highlights the results of a quantitative study that found statistically significant differences between Black and White Southern high schools regarding the availability of higher-level mathematics and science courses, and the proportion of certified teachers. Additionally, a linear, statistically significant relationship is established between ACT tests scores and availability of mathematics and science courses, and the proportion of certified teachers, proving the hypothesis that Southern Black students receive purposefully disparate education, which impacts their readiness for postsecondary learning, and future economic success.