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Owner: Chris Brown
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Paper Title: Examining How School Social Relationships Impact on Teachers' Use of Research: A Regression Analysis of English Primary School Teachers
Session Title: Unpacking Research Use: Empirical Evidence About Practices and Conditions
Paper Type: Paper
Presentation Date: 4/7/2019
Presentation Location: Toronto, Canada
Descriptors: Evidence Based Education, Research Utilization, Social Capital
Methodology: Quantitative
Author(s): Chris Brown, University of Portsmouth; Dell Zhang, University of London
Unit: SIG-Research Use
Abstract: The use of research by teachers is both beneficial and desirable, yet we are still to discover how best to foster teachers’ engagement with research. Considering social influence as a driver of behaviour/behavioural change, in this paper we examine the extent to which social-influence affects teachers’ use of research. We also examine the relative importance of social influence compared to other factors that affect research use: 1) teachers’ perceptions they work in a trusting work environment; 2) perceptions that school leaders’ encourage the use of research; and 3) teachers’ perceptions regarding innovation. To investigate the impact of social influence on teachers’ research-use a regression model using survey and social network data was constructed. Our findings have substantive implications for policy-makers.