Muchlisin Arief


Water is a key component to the process of earth’s life. However, with increasing industrial development and anthropogenic activities, water quality has been decreased dramatically. Therefore, monitoring is necessary to anticipate the threat of contamination and to take effective action at all levels in local or central government. Methods or algorithms were proposed for detecting or mapping or extraction the concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) derived from Landsat remote sensing imagery using empirical formulation. The aim of this study to monitor the quality of coastal waters over large areas. The method begins with the calculation of water surface temperature derived from Landsat data, using the correlation function obtained by correlating the temperature measurement by the infrared band reflectance values. Then the image is used to calculate the concentration of DO using the correlation function. the correlation function is obtained by correlating the results of field measurements of DO with temperature. The study conducted in the Ringgung coastal waters located in Padang Cermin District, Pesawaran municipal conducted on August 7 to 11, 2012. Based on the analysis, dissolved oxygen concentration of Ringgung coastal waters is inversely proportional to the amount of fresh water entering the coastal waters and directly proportional to the aeration process. As a result, in June the concentration of dissolved oxygen near the beach (on shore water) greater than in the offshore water. While in August, the concentration of dissolved oxygen near the coast (on shore water) is lower than in the offshore water.


detection; dissolved oxygen; correlation; Landsat; Ringgung

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