  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Suicide Prevention under COVID-19: Taiwan and the World


Suicide prevention remains a critical challenge across the world under the COVID-19 pandemic. Although restrictions for the pandemic have been lifted since September 2022 in Taiwan, the pandemic has caused economic and social impact plus many hidden yet severe mental health consequences, including anxiety, depression, and suicide. This volume in the Journal of Suicidology (JoS), a rich source of topics related to suicide risk factors was included. The topics covered genes, cancer/medical illnesses, psychopathology, service utilization, media news report, mental health care under COVID-19, and suicide prevention strategies of campus and local government. Moreover, two articles about bereavement services among suicide survivors and hospital preventive interventions highlighted the important contexts of suicide prevention, while school preventive strategies bringing in more readers' attention to the teachers' perspectives on campus suicide prevention and the impact of an adolescent support group study. Most importantly, policymakers should play a pivotal role in putting into action the suicide preventive strategies.
