  • 期刊


A Study on the Laws and System Governing Labor Dispute Resolution in Taiwan


我國早在民國十七年即已施行勞資爭議處理法,然由於政治因素,我國勞資爭議處理法制長期被非常時期的特別法所取代,未能發揮其應有之功能。解嚴之後,勞資爭議處理法雖經過兩次修正,但修正後的施行效果仍不理想。近年來,由於經濟不景氣,關廠歇業以及裁員的事件愈來愈多,勞資爭議的數量也因而大幅增加,再加上我國加入世界貿易組織(WTO),國內部分產業勢必受到更多衝擊,因此,勞資爭議處理法制是否能發揮其應有之功能即成為當前的重要議題。然而,在現行勞資爭議處理相關法律的規範下,許多勞資爭議仍無法獲得充分妥善的處理。面對目前以及未來勞資爭議事件的解決,我國勞資爭議處理法制仍有相當大的改進空間。本文藉由檢視我國勞資爭議處理法制的現況與其缺失,並參酌外國相關制度,擷取適合我國國情之部分,對改進我國勞資爭議處理法制提出具體之建議,期能使我國勞資爭議處理制度得以發揮其應有之功能。 本文主要分為四大部分。第一部份為勞資爭議處理法制之概論;第二部份為我國現行勞資爭議處理法制之論述;第三部份為我國現行勞資爭議處理法制缺失之分析與檢討;第四部份為改進我國勞資爭議處理法制建議之提出。


The Labor Dispute Resolution Act has been effective for over seventy years. However, due to political reasons, the Act has not been utilized to resolve labor dispute in reality. Since the abolition of Martial Law, the function of the Labor Dispute Resolution Act has been redeemed The Act has been amended twice to adapt the current need since then. However, the amended Act still has some defects so that it is insufficient to regulate the problems caused by labor dispute. Recently, the economy in Taiwan has been slow. Moreover, many business se swill be adversely affected by the fact that Taiwan becomes a member of the World Trade Organization. It can be predicted that more labor dispute will take place in the future. Therefore, to establish an ideal system regulating labor dispute resolution becomes a criticalissue. This paper plans toconducta thorough research and critique on the current laws and system governing labor dispute resolution in Taiwan. The relevant laws and system of other countries will also be introduced. At last, new ideas andrecommendationsto amend the current labor dispute resolution system and regulations will be provided. This paper includes four major parts: (1) A general introduction to labor dispute resolution. (2) A discussion of the current laws and system governing labor dispute resolution in Taiwan. (3) A critique on the the current laws and system governing labor dispute resolution in Taiwan. (4) Recommendations on the amendment of the laws governing labor dispute resolution in Taiwan.


