  • 期刊


The Phenomenon and Process of Male Batterers' Group Therapy


目的:本研究希望針對家庭暴力加害人的非自願性團體治療,在團體治療歷程上,進行分析與探討。 方法:本團體共舉行十八週,為每週一次、每次九十分鐘的結構性及封閉性的團體治療。治療架構則是以認知行為治療取向合併情緒支持的模式進行。自90年10月至93年9月,共實施了四梯次的家庭暴力加害人之團體治療,共計有二十四位成員參加治療,所有成員均為男性。我們採用了G.. Corey將團體發展分為四個階段的模式,然後開始整理四個團體分成四個階段下其各自的歷程發展,再整理出共同的團體歷程。 結果:二十四位成員中有三位成員因故未完成治療,成員之治療完成率為87.5%。在團體歷程部份則整理出以:1.抗拒、否認;2.反抗體制、權威;3.凝聚力及效能;4.與治療師關係;5.情緒層面,共五個主題作為描述團體歷程的主軸。據此再將團體歷程分成四個階段,並以上述五個主題來共同描述團體歷程上的變化。 結論:因為此團體有許多成員的特別屬性,包括家庭暴力的主題、為接受強制治療的非自願性案主、均為男性等。所以在團體進行中,強制治療的因素、成員的參與動機、家暴議題上的否認、對治療師角色上的疑慮等,都會明顯地影響整個團體的歷程發展。


Objectives: The treatment program for batterers of domestic violence has been provided since 2001 in Taiwan. We explored and analyzed the phenomenon and process of this unfamiliar and challenging male batterers' group. Methods: The cognitive-oriented group program was run 90 minutes each session, weekly for 18 sessions. Each group was led by one male and one female therapist. The type of group was close, and emotional sharing and support were encouraged. The whole course of group was videotaped and recorded by the observer. And then these materials were provided for content review and process analysis. Subjects: There were 24 male batterers attended our treatment program in 4 groups. All of them were referred from the court for mandatory treatment. Three of them dropped out from the groups. The drop out rate was 12.5%. The average age of group clients was 44.04 years. Results: The following 5 key items were regarded as the most important issues in the 4 groups. From the points of these 5 items, the varieties of group picture and the evolution of the process could be delineated well. The 5 key items were: Denial and resistance: Not surprisingly, a common characteristic of the group members was the denial and minimization of their violence toward family members. Against social norms and authority: The groups were served as a form of judicial punishment, thus lowering member's initial trust, interest, and attraction to the group. Cohesion and effectiveness: The premature form of cohesion was repetitively emerged in the beginning of group therapy. We had to go through this particular stage and move to more mature and cohesive stage. Role of therapists: The group leaders worked hard in bringing out and bridging members' feelings toward others, especially in the initial period. As the group progressed, the role of the therapists was changing. Emotional disclosure: To ignore the batterer's life or emotional problems may strengthen their defensiveness. The batterer's emotional disclosure in the group was highly correlated with the positive development of group process.


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