  • 期刊


An Exploratory Study of the Causes of Gambling Crime


本研究為一探討國內職業賭場之賭客賭博犯罪成因之探索性研究,以訪談法為研究策略,以「代表性個案抽樣」(Typical-cases Sampling)及「聲望抽樣法」(Reputation-cases Sampling)選取偵辦賭博案件有豐富經驗的警察人員,及曾開設武賭職業賭場的民眾兩類受訪對象,進行概括性問項、細節性問項及評量性問項等三類問項的深度訪談。 研究發現職業賭客的人口特性是多為中下階層的民眾,以國中學歷、30歲以上、無業或黑道上兄弟的男性居多;女性則多為家庭主婦或特種行業的上班小姐。平日的生活方式是“日眠夜賭”,常常睡到下午3、4點才起床。 賭博犯罪的形成,是具有特定人口特性且又具有追求刺激、投機性較強…等心理特質的民眾,在成長過程中頻繁的接觸到賭博行為而被吸引,於入社會時或當兵回來後開始成為職業賭客的,大致在30~50歲時期參與職業賭場的賭博最活躍。 職業賭客多為社會低階層的民眾,具有低自我控制的心理特質,生活非常不穩定,是生活型態異於常人的民眾,是一個對社會不能有太大貢獻的人。但職業賭客對社會也不致造成太大的危害,如果犯罪,較有可能是輕罪,不大會是燒殺搶掠等嚴重的罪行,此點頗具刑事政策上的意義。




This research is an exploratory study to inquire into the causes of gambling crime of professional gambler, taking interview as the research strategy, selecting cases by ”Typical-cases Sampling” and ”Reputation-cases Sampling”. This research selects policemen who have abundant experience in detecting gambling cases, and people who have been running illegal casino. This In-depth interview asks three kinds of questions, including the generalization items, detail items, and evaluation items. The research discovered that most professional gamblers are low S.E.S., over 30 years old, jobless or gangster-background male; the female then are housewife or females who working in the erotic club. Their life style are ”Day sleep; night bet”, often keep late hours about 3 or 4p.m. The formation which commits gambling crime is the person who possess specific demography characters and special psychological characters, such as to pursue excitements, strong speculation, ...and so on, which attracted by gambling behavior for the frequently contact in their growth process. These people became the professional gambler in entering the society or after backing from military service, and most actively participating illegal gambling approximately at 3050 years old period. Most of the professional gamblers are low social stratum, having some special psychological characteristics of low self-control, and their living are extremely unstable. Their life styles are at variance with the ordinary civilian's, and their conducts have no contribution to the society. The professional gamblers cannot do any huge harm to the society, if compared with the serious crime. This discovery is meaningful to the present gambling criminal policy.




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