  • 期刊


The Relationship between field Hockey coaches' Paternalistic Leadership and Their Well-Being


本研究目的旨在探討曲棍球教練家長式領導行為與幸福感之研究,本研究針對參加2012年全國中正盃曲棍球錦標賽之選手為測對象。本研究問卷回收後,並以SPSS 12.0套裝軟體進行,並以百分比統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffè事後比較檢定、Pearson積差相關分析,研究結果顯示有四項:一、臺灣地區曲棍球選手特性;二、曲棍球選手對於曲棍球教練家長式領導行為存有差異;三、曲棍球選手對於幸福感存有差異並顯示選手有良好的幸福感;四、家長式領導與幸福感之間具有顯著相關性存在。研究結論:一、在家長式領導方面結果顯示受測選手中,選手贊同教練的知識與經驗、經歷,能以身作則樹立學習的好榜樣與模範;在球隊的生活管理上及訓練上、戰術上絕對服從教練的指示與決定。二、在幸福感方面結果顯示受測選手中,多數受訪的選手認為自己可以控制生活、實現理想,喜歡自己與現有的生活型態,充滿信心與吸引力,擁有良好的規律運動時間及飲食習慣,常保輕鬆自在心情,對事物感到滿意。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship of coach paternalistic leadership and player happiness in field hockey. Data were collected through surveys and analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffè's method of post-hoc analysis, and Pearson correlation. The results indicated as following: First, the personal characteristics of field hockey players in Taiwan were presented. Second, different act in response of hockey players revealed to their coaches' paternalistic leadership behaviors. Third, the hockey players have different degree of happiness and most of the players reported that they hold happiness. Finally, paternalistic leadership and the player happiness were positively related. The conclusion of study also revealed that in parent-coach leadership, player approved the knowledge and experience of their coaches which make good model. Moreover, the players are willing to obey instruction and decision of their coaches in life management, training and tactics. Under consideration of happiness, most of respondents revealed that they can control their lives, fulfill their dreams and they think they are confident and attractive. They also satisfy their life style including having regular sport habits and diet, and they feel relaxed and so forth.


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