
This paper describes the background information on the introduction and the settlement process of Weonangjin(Mandarin Duck Battle Formation), which was the troop disposition rule that was used by the Ming Dynasty, in Joseon during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. In particular, we tried to reveal the special characteristics of the military martial arts used during the late period of the Joseon Dynasty not only by reviewing literature but also by analyzing the actual movement of the martial arts that were applied in the Weonangjin method. Through this, we tried to track the changes in the disposition of troops and military martial arts that occurred in accordance with the changes in the combat environment during the late Joseon Dynasty. In conclusion, we found that the application of the Weonangjin method, which was widely used during the late Joseon Dynasty, led to an organization of a variety of branches of the army, which were created to facilitate small units in combat. Also, we found that there was a method in place to select soldiers with the optimal physical conditions in consideration of the nature of the military martial arts. It could be said that the disposition of troops and the military martial arts that the individual soldiers were trained in were able to quickly accommodate the changes that occurred in the battlefield.


진법(陣法), 원앙진(鴛鴦陣), 군사무예(軍士武藝), 무예(武藝), 마상무예(馬上武藝), 병학통(兵學通), 무예사(武藝史), 단병접전(短兵接戰), 무예도보통지(武藝圖譜通志), 보병전술(步兵戰術)


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