
The purpose of this study is to research the conspicuous consumption characteristic expressed in the modern fashion. The conspicuous consumptions are classified with 2 parts as follows as: 1. The motive of conspicuous consumption, 2. The effect of conspicuous consumption. And the motive of conspicuous consumption is 1) conspicuous consumption, 2) conformity consumption, 3) compensatory consumption. The effect of conspicuous consumption is 1) veblen effect, 2) bandwagon effect, 3) snob effect. The veblen effect is caused either by the belief that higher price means higher quality, or by the desire for conspicuous consumption to be seen as buying an expensive, prestige item. The bandwagon effect is people tend to follow the crowd without examining the merits of a particular thing. The snob effect refers to the desire to own unusual, expensive or unique goods. The conspicuous consumption has produced conflicting results of the homogeneous imitation and the different scarcity. Consequently conspicuous consumption characteristic expressed in the modern fashion refers to the conformable imitation and the different scarcity. The conformable imitation is pursuit of first lady look and imitation. The different scarcity refers to the desire to own exclusive or unique goods. The unique value is pursuit of limited edition and art mode.


veblen effect(베블렌 효과), bandwagon effect(밴드웨건 효과), snob effect(스놉 효과), first lady look(퍼스트 레이디 룩), art mode(아르 모드)


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