Crystal structure of silver complex of sulfaquinoxaline
with secondary ligand pyridine

  • DOI 10.26902/JSC_id38774
  • Views: 139
© Dubey R.P. , Patel U.H.
X-ray Crystallography Laboratory, Department of Physics, Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India
Crystal structure of silver complex of sulfaquinoxaline with secondary ligand pyridine [Ag2[(C14H11N4O2S)2(C5H5N)2] crystallizes in orthorhombic with P212121 space group with lattice parameters a = 9.8839(15), b = 19.228(3), c = 19.796(3) Å and α = β = γ = 90°. The secondary ligand in the structure is emerging from the solvent molecule pyridine. Each Ag(I) ion is four coordinated by one Ag(I) ion and two nitrogen atoms from two ligands and one nitrogen atom each from pyridine molecules. Furthermore, the antimicrobial activity of silver complex of sulfapyridine and free ligand is studied by the dilution method.
Keywords: Ag complex, sulfaquinoxaline, crystal structure, MIC, pyridine

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