
WangFuzhi’s JiangZhaiWenJi(薑齋文集)⋅JiuZhao(九昭) is an important work of his old age, originally at the end of ChuCiTongShi(楚辭通釋) which was completed in 1635. The motive of Wang Fuzhi for this work is that he imitated Qu Yuan(屈原)’s ChuCi and wrote this work, because his career and enthusiasm for serving the government of Nanming(南明) is Similar to Qu Yuan(屈原) in the process of interpreting ChuCi. Therefore, this work adopts the method of confession and adds his interpretation behind the poem. Reffering to Qu Yuan, Wang Fuzhi expressed his emotions in him. It is a very important document to understand the spirit of Qu Yuan & Wang Fuzhi and to understand ChuCi&ChuCiTongShi. This study conducts research on the translation and annotation of “DangFen(蕩愤)”, “DaoJie(悼孑)” in JiuZhao. “DangFen” is about washing away Qu Yuan’s anger. At first, Qu Yuan tried to unite with Qi(齊)to battle against Qin(秦), but the plan was restrained by ZhangYi(張仪) and JinShang(靳尚). The Furious had been accumulated, but there was no way to solve it. Even after being expelled, Qu Yuan couldn’t forget to fail to avenge the enemy and to fulfill his will. Therefore, this sentence envisioned conquering Jin and expanding the territory to the Jing River(泾水) & the Wei River(渭水) and thought of fulfilling Qu Yuan’s will and washing away his anger. “DaoJie” mourned that there had been no one to assist with the king, and although he was expelled, expressed the love for the country that he still felt sympathy for him and wanted to take care of him. These two sentences represented Wang Fuzhi’s heart regarding the historical situation in the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty and the court reality of the government of Nanming. This is because the history, times, and circumstances of the two people were similar even though the times of Qu Yuan and Wang Fuzhi were different. Wang Fuzhi highly implied and symbolized his emotions through myth, allusion and metaphor. it is the literary characteristics of the two works and is also attributed to the historical environment of the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty.


Wang Fuzhi, JiangZhaiWenJi, JiuZhao, Translation, Annotation, ChuCi, ChuCiTongShi.


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