
The BEI sentence and the BA sentence as two kinds of important and special sentences in the modern Chinese language, is valued by grammar educational circles in times gone by, is a hot spot in Chinese grammar research.But the current research is still constrained by only to the separate investigation about the BEI sentence and the BA sentence, has not been able to detailly contemplate to the two kinds of phenomenon. This thesis tries to with phrasing the research object postpones theory-phrasing "three planes" ories of the research outside for rely on, with the content of the phrasing rule thinking-phrasing research of theories in“three worlds”(“set form phrasing world”, “release righteousness phrasing world and spread interest phrasing world”) for assist, under the dual vision of the outside and the content, Adopting with the analytical method of total hour, static state and dynamic state combined together, to contemplate the “BEI” “BA” nestification sentence that presents toghter with all-directions, multilayers contemplation.


the BEI sentence, the BA sentence, the “BEI” “BA” nestification sentence that presents toghter, three planes, three worlds.


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