
Li Bai(李白)'s prose becomes a subsidiary material in ascertaining his life and idea and understanding the poem, it is a very important material in shedding a light on his literature idea and artistic world. However, the studies on Li Bai have focused on the study and translation on the poem works on Li Bai in Korea and abroad until now, the concern for his prose was relatively low, particularly the translation and annotation becoming the basis of the study is very poor. If the translation and annotation of Li Bai prose bears fruit, it is the first the translation and annotation result on the Li Bai prose and will become an important material to the Li Bai study. This work can be divided into 4 paragraphs. The Biao(表)'s form can be seen in the first paragraph, which extremely expressed the Wuwang(吳王)'s emotion who missed Suzong(肅宗) by using the metaphoric method while operating various authentic precedents. In the 2nd paragraph, he emphasized he could not assume the crucial duty because his talent was inadequate and was very grateful that Suzong exempted Zongrong(總戎)'s responsibility. He said he was going to the Emperor's temporary quarters after being called. In the 3rd paragraph, he would arrive in one's post as scheduled but he delayed because he was old and ill. In the 4th paragraph, he informed the traffic was very inconvenient while reaching the destination and implored Suzong to understand his situation. Although this prose accords with the Biao's traditional and systematic nature and the language is simple, its meaning is very profound and the difference of each paragraph is clear and the head and tail harmonize. As the phrases are sometimes oblique and sometimes earnest, they are very persuasive. This achievement suggests this work exceeds the limit of the literary life that this work is just allograph for other person.


Li Bai, prose, translation, annotation, Biao, Wuwang


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