
This article focuses on how modern literary studies emerged in the transition period of modern China when the modern concept of "Literature" broke with the traditional one. As the end of the Qing dynasty, with the introduction of the modern educational system, the literature department was set up at the Imperial University of Peking. Based on the theory of Chinese learning for the fundamental structure and Western learning for practical use and the practical needs of the time, the curriculum was organized with classical Confucian books and texts and the western approaches to language and characters as its center, including graphonomy, phonology, and exegetics. In December of 1916, Cai Yuan Pei took office as President of Peking University and, later on, Chen Du Xiu and Hu Shih an Dean of Humanities and professor respectively, under whom the Movement for Systematizing the National Heritage as part of the New Culture Movement began. In mothodology, by employing 'the scientific method' and 'the genetic method', literary reserchers discovered new texts among traditional works and canonized them, and by establishing a history of literary development in colloquial Chinese, they accelerated the full-fledged study of Chinese literature.


Education Reform, Literary Studies, the Early Twentieth Century China, Peking University


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