최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

초등영어 온라인 수업: 도전과 극복, 남은 과제

Primary English online class: Overcoming obstacles to success and remaining challenges

  • 995

With the outbreak of the Corona virus pandemic, schools started their new semester with online classes. While suffering from numerous difficulties, teachers have overcome numerous obstacles to achieve success with online classes. This paper is aimed at reporting on those difficulties and obstacles, how teachers overcame them, and the remaining challenges. Primary English teachers turned out to be in a worse situation than teachers of other subjects due to the heavier dependence on multimedia materials provided by text publishers and the necessity of interactive communication in language acquisition. Issues with copyrights and portrait rights, difficulties in dealing with programs and equipment for online classes, problems of achievement division, and resulting burnout symptoms were addressed. In order to prepare for future online classes, active problem solving is required not only by teachers utilizing collective intelligence but also by educational agencies.

I. 서론

II. 온라인 수업

III. 연구 방법

IV. 연구 결과

V. 결론

