Volume 21 - Number 1

January - March 2019

A Model for Potential B-cell Precursors of Broadly Neutralizing HIV-1 Antibodies Selection and Antibody Affinity Maturation

Radmila Metlas, Center for Multidisciplinary Research, Institute of Nuclear Sciences VINCA
Tatjana Srdic-Rajic, Department of Experimental Oncology, National Cancer Research Center. Belgrade, Serbia
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The goal of this report was to propose a model, wherein synergy between the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) and toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling is involved in the selection of the B-cell precursors of HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) with long heavy chain complementarity determining regions 3, from immature/ transitional B cells. The model predicts the involvement of Ab/HIV-1 complexes in a way that Ab from the complex binds both BCRs and HIV-1, while on internalization of HIV-1 TLR ligands such as CpG motifs interacts with TLR9. The result of BCR and TLR9 orchestrated signaling is a formation of somatically mutated memory B cells potential precursors of bnAbs. Generated memory B cells continuously exposed to different Ab/HIV-1 complexes can elicit specific bnAb by stochastic somatic hypermutation rather than in the Darwinian process. This new view of the interaction between Ab/HIV-1 complexes and immune system, leading to affinity maturation of the bnAbs in the absence of nominal HIV-1 antigen and BCR interaction, may have implication for the vaccine designed and passive immunization.

HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies. Precursor of B-cell antigen receptor for broadly neutralizing antibodies. Toll-like receptor. Membrane proximal external region.

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