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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter July 29, 2009

Oscillation of neutral delay difference equations of second order with positive and negative coefficients

  • Seshadev Padhi EMAIL logo and Chuanxi Qian
From the journal Mathematica Slovaca


This paper is concerned with a class of neutral difference equations of second order with positive and negative coefficients of the forms $$ \Delta ^2 (x_n \pm c_n x_{n - \tau } ) + p_n x_{n - \delta } - q_n x_{n - \sigma } = 0 $$ where τ, δ and σ are nonnegative integers and {p n}, {q n} and {c n} are nonnegative real sequences. Sufficient conditions for oscillation of the equations are obtained.

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Published Online: 2009-7-29
Published in Print: 2009-8-1

© 2009 Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences

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