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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access December 1, 2006

Towards relativistic ECP / DFT description of chemical bonding in E112 compounds: spin-orbit and correlation effects in E112X versus HgX (X=H, Au)

  • Andréi Zaitsevskii EMAIL logo , Elena Rykova , Nikolai Mosyagin and Anatoly Titov
From the journal Open Physics


The relativistic effective core potential (RECP) approach combined with the spin-orbit DFT electron correlation treatment was applied to the study of the bonding of eka-mercury (E112) and mercury with hydrogen and gold atoms. Highly accurate small-core shape-consistent RECPs derived from Hartree-Fock-Dirac-Breit atomic calculations with Fermi nuclear model were employed. The accuracy of the DFT correlation treatment was checked by comparing the results in the scalar-relativistic (spin-orbit-free) limit with those of high level scalar-relativistic correlation calculations within the same RECP model. E112H was predicted to be slightly more stable than its lighter homologue (HgH). The E112-Au bond energy is expected to be ca. 25–30 % weaker than that of Hg-Au. The role of correlations and magnetic (spin-dependent) interactions in E112-X and Hg-X (X=H, Au) bonding is discussed. The present computational procedure can be readily applied to much larger systems and seems to be a promising tool for simulating E112 adsorption on metal surfaces.

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Published Online: 2006-12-1
Published in Print: 2006-12-1

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