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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access February 26, 2011

Model of discrete dynamics of asset price relations based on the minimal arbitrage principle

  • Zvonko Kostanjčar EMAIL logo , Kristian Hengster-Movrić and Branko Jeren
From the journal Open Physics


In this paper we present a deterministic and a probabilistic model of the dynamics of the price relations for a number of assets on the market. The formalism is based on the asset space introduced in a theory by Illinski. We derive, from an action functional for the system of price relations in that space, the corresponding difference equations, which constitute the deterministic description. Furthermore, we obtain the probability density function of the probabilistic model of market dynamics from the same action functional. The deterministic solution corresponds to a geometric sequence for the interest, whereas the derived probability density describes the probability of the next value of the price relations in dependence on their prior value. The formalism is completely developed for systems (markets) with two and three assets, but exactly the same approach is applicable to the systems consisting of an arbitrary number of assets.

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Published Online: 2011-2-26
Published in Print: 2011-6-1

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