Editorial - Games and Learning: Consolidating and Expanding the Potential of Analogue and Digital Games

  • Pedro Pinto Neves HEI-LAB/ Lusófona University
  • Carla Sousa CICANT/ Lusófona University
  • Micaela Fonseca HEI-LAB/ Lusófona University
  • Sara Rye University of Bradford


For a long time, Games Research suffered from what Jaakko Stenros and Annika Waern classified as the Digital Fallacy – the tendency to regard analog games as a subset of digital games rather than the other way around. Where boardgames were once associated with the past of games and learning and digital games with the future, there are now fresh insights and applications for boardgames in learning – alongside with their renaissance as games for entertainment. Even as boardgames found new relevance in learning, the already-recognized possibilities in digital games for learning have continued to expand, with more flexible and ubiquitous tools and platforms allowing for a greater variety of avenues of learning research and practice to be explored. Augmented and mixed reality as well as virtual reality are frontiers in learning that beg for further exploration.
