REVIEW: Noted: Right-wing rhetoric makes the unpalatable normal

  • Lynne A Trenwith Unitec
Keywords: Linguistics, politics, discourse


The Politics of Fear. What right wing populist discourses mean, by Ruth Wodak. London: Sage, 2015. 256 pages. ISBN 978-1- 4462-470-0-6

AS WE observe political events unfolding in the United States, the Brexit vote in the UK, the discourse around Korea, the French elections and the rhetoric of European nations, Wodak’s book provides a timely insight into the discourse of right wing populism and why it is successful. In each of the eight chapters, Wodak provides campaign materials, images, online data, television interviews and news stories.


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Author Biography

Lynne A Trenwith, Unitec
The Politics of Fear cover
How to Cite
Trenwith, L. A. (2017). REVIEW: Noted: Right-wing rhetoric makes the unpalatable normal. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 23(1), 279-280.