The ecological network approach applied to bioethical organizational structures

Oleskin AV
About authors

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Alexander V. Oleskin
Smolensk Emb., 5/13, Apt. 6, Moscow, 121099, Russia; ur.xednay@ynikselo

About paper

Financing: the work on the present article formed a part of the ‘The Future of the Planet and Global Environmental Changes’ Development Program of Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Received: 2023-08-06 Accepted: 2023-09-12 Published online: 2023-10-04

The term ‘bioethics’ (in the narrow sense) or ‘biomedical ethics’ denotes medical ethics at the modern stage of development. Bioethics is currently institutionalized and falls under the responsibility of specialized organizational structures (bioethics commissions, ‘divine committees’, etc.). The article expounds the prospects of applying network structures to institutions and organizations dealing with bioethical issues and tasks (ethical aspects of reproductive technologies, biomedical experiments, organ transplantation, and bioethical education). With the principles of decentralization (‘multiple authority’) and ecology (an integrative approach to issues under study and integrity of a bioethical expert team), network structures promote creative and effective functioning of bioethical organizations. Nonetheless, the centralized hierarchies of traditional educational and research institutions are also expected to perform essential functions. A reasonable combination of network structures and hierarchies provides the latter with a new role: the hierarchies assess the activity of emergent network structures using competent experts and provide selective support (including financing) to the most effective among them.

Keywords: bioethics, network structures, hierarchies, decentralization, ecological approach, hirama, biological paradigms of network organization, neuronal networks