
A. Vampilov, untimely died by drowning in 1972, is a dramatist with a few plays. Although he began as a writer of fiction, he soon turned to the drama. His outstanding plays are the two-act comedy 『Farewell in June』, the two-act comedy 『The Elder Son』, the three-act drama 『Duck Hunting』, the two-act comedy 『Last Summer in Chulimsk』. Among the mentioned plays I analyze in this article the two-act comedy 『The Elder Son』. The contents of the article are Plot and Conflict, Time and Space, Dramatic Personae, Genre etc. Through the analysis of Silva’s joke we can understand the conflict and dramatic affairs. By analysis of the Time and Space I think of the meaning of the 60th years of twentieth century in the Soviet Union. In addition to would be analyzed two Heroes Vampilov’s Drama Sarafanov and Busygin. Through the analysis of the Dramatic Personae would be cleared the theme of the drama. The hot disputing point in the drama 『The Elder Son』 is the Genre. The dramatist called the play only ‘Comedy.’ In spite of that Frolov and Segel define 『The Elder Son』 as tragicomedy, Imichelova and Jurchenko as ‘Carnival Menipea’ and spiritual Mystery Play. Other scholars point the Mixture of Genres. I analyze the Problem of the Genre Vampilov’s second two-act comedy. At the same time I’ll the Future Project of the Study on the Dramaturgy of Vampilov.


밤필로프, 큰아들, 장르, 체호프, 희극, 희비극, 장르혼합


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