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Minerva Urologica e Nefrologica 2017 December;69(6):613-8

DOI: 10.23736/S0393-2249.17.02786-2


language: English

Early and late ureteral complications after renal transplant

Francesca MANASSERO 1 , Fabio VISTOLI 2, Andrea MOGOROVICH 1, Maurizio DE MARIA 1, Ugo BOGGI 2, Cesare SELLI 1

1 Division of Urology, Department of Translational Research, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 2 Division of Transplantations Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy


BACKGROUND: Ureteral strictures occur in approximately 3-8% of kidney transplant (KTx) recipients. They are usually a late event which needs surgical re-intervention with a subsequent increased risk of graft loss. This retrospective study presents a single-centre experience in managing ureteral complications using firstly a minimally invasive approach.
METHODS: Between January 2000 and November 2012, 838 patients underwent KTx with Lich-Gregoire uretero-vesical anastomosis. Ureteral complications consisting in 6 fistulas and 18 strictures were observed in 24 grafts, with an overall incidence of 2.6%. The retrograde placement of a double J stent was attempted first in 16 grafts and succeeded in 12 (75%); the remaining 4 cases underwent open repair with anastomosis to the native ureter. Antegrade/combined ureteral stenting via a percutaneous nephrostomy was attempted in 8 grafts and succeeded in 4 (50%); the remaining 4 (2 fistulas and 2 strictures) underwent open repair with anastomosis to the native ureter.
RESULTS: After an average period of 8.36 months (range 1-36) the double J stents were removed and the ureters were unobstructed in 11 (45.8%), while open surgical treatment was necessary in the remaining 5. Repeated cystoscopic stent changes were successfully performed in 13 patients. Early onset ureteral stenoses were found in 10 out of 19 patients and successfully treated by a mini-invasive approach in 50% of the cases. Three renal grafts were lost, but this was not due to ureteral complications.
CONCLUSIONS: Minimally invasive procedures are recommended in early complications, although open reconstructive surgery maintains a role in late severe obstructions after KTx.

KEY WORDS: Stents - Kidney transplantation - Urethral obstruction

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