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Minerva Ginecologica 2019 December;71(6):412-8

DOI: 10.23736/S0026-4784.19.04440-X


language: English

Outcomes of robotic surgery performed in patients with high BMI class: experience by a single surgeon

Gianluca R. DAMIANI 1 , Mario VILLA 2, Edoardo DI NARO 1, Mauro SIGNORELLI 2, Silvia CORSO 2, Giuseppe TROJANO 2, Matteo LOVERRO 1, Teresa CAPURSI 1, Giuseppe MUZZUPAPA 1, Antonio PELLEGRINO 2

1 Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, Clinic of Gynecologic and Obstetrics, University of Bari, Bari, Italy; 2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ASTT Lecco, Alessandro Manzoni Hospital, Lecco, Italy

BACKGROUND: Advanced laparoscopic procedures have been shown to be safe in patients with high Body Mass Index (BMI), but conversion rates remain high. This analysis aimed to evaluate the feasibility and clinical outcomes in terms of long- and short-term complications, pain relief of robotic surgery in morbidly obese patients.
METHODS: Patients with BMI class I-II-III with endometrial cancer or hyperplasia were treated with robotic hysterectomy (RH). Patients’ characteristics, operating room time (OT), type of surgery, length of hospital stay, and incidence of complications were recorded. Records were reviewed for demographic data, medical/surgical history and comorbidities, perioperative findings and outcomes, as well as long-term complications and recurrences. Regarding stage, according to 2009 FIGO, 26 of cases were IA, while eight and five of cases were, respectively, IB, II stage.
RESULTS: A total of 87 consecutive RH were analyzed. The more frequent comorbidity was hypertension. Twenty percent of the patients had multiple comorbidities (>2). The mean age was 63±10 years, with a mean BMI of 36±8.2 kg/m2. The more frequent BMI group treated was II class. The median OT was 114 minutes (range: 49-270). According to the Dindo Classification, there were no differences in major or minor complications between the 3 BMI classes. This series had a median follow-up of 60 months (range: 8-96) with an overall survival rate of 100%. The RRH+PLH was feasible and pathology confirmed the adequacy of the surgical specimen, with a median count of 20 nodes.
CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the adoption of the surgical management of the morbidly obese patient. Although short term complication rates are higher with increasing obesity (II-III class), a majority of procedures can still be completed with minimally invasive approach.

KEY WORDS: Endometrial neoplasms; Robotic surgical procedures; Morbid obesity

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