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中西部地域 百濟漢城期 木棺墓 變化- 烏山 水淸洞遺蹟을 中心으로 -

Changes in wooden coffin tombs in Baekje Hanseong period - Centering around Osan Sucheong-dong remains -

선사와 고대
약어 : -
2007 no.27, pp.81 - 110
DOI : 10.23024/pah.2007..27.81
발행기관 : 한국고대학회
연구분야 : 역사학
Copyright © 한국고대학회
3 회 열람

서울과 경기남부, 충청지역에서 확인되는 원저단경호와 심발형토기가 조합되어 부장된 토광묘, 주구토광묘는 중서부지역 분묘 연구에 있어서 선구적인 역할을 담당했던 천안 청당동유적의 연대관에 근거하여 원삼국시대 대표적인 분묘로 인식되고 있다. 그런데 청당동유적의 연대는 당시 자료가 부족한 상황에서 부산 노포동유적과 같은 일부 영남지역 분묘와의 교차연대에 따라 설정된 것으로 이후 많은 자료가 축적되어 재고할 여건이 마련되어 가고 있다고 판단된다. 이에 본고에서는 중서부지역 원저단경호 출토 분묘에 대해 나름의 연대와 변화상을 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 오산수청동유적을 중심으로 분묘의 구조와 유물조합상의 특징을 간략히 살펴보고, 소문단경호와 심발형토기의 형식분류를 중심으로 단계를 설정하였다. 이를 기반으로 교차편년을 행하고 그에 따른 중서부지역에 있어서 목관묘의 변화를 살폈다. 그 결과 기존에 원삼국시대에서 삼국시대 전기에 해당된다고 설정되었던 유물부장부를 가지는 토광묘는 목관묘이고, 그 연대는 3세기말 이후로 편년됨을 확인하였다. 백제의 중심으로 생각되는 서울지역에서의 유례가 없어 명확하지는 않으나, 서울을 제외한 경기 남부와 충청 북부 일대에 있어서는 대동소이한 흐름을 가지는 것으로 보아 서울 역시 예외는 아니었으리라 생각된다. 따라서 이 분묘들이 삼국시대 백제한성기 이른시기의 대표적인 분묘로 생각해도 좋을 것이다. 기존에 4세기대로 편년되어 한성기의 분묘로 생각되었던 백제토기가 출토되는 석촌동 분묘군은 백제토기의 편년 검토를 통해 그 연대는 재고되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.

The pit tomb and the pit tomb with ditch in which buried together with combination of short necked round bottom jars and the deep bowl shaped potteries which have been discovered in Seoul as well as in the southern Gyeonggi and Chungcheong region are recognized as the prevailing forms of tomb representing the Proto-Three Kingdoms period based on the chronology of Cheonan Cheongdang-dong remains that has taken a trailblazing role in the research on tombs in mid-west region. However, it should be noted that the chronology of Cheongdang-dong remains had been established according to cross-dating in connection with the tombs found in some part of Yeongnam region, like Busan Nopodong remains, under a situation of lacking data and materials. Since then after, many data and resources have been cumulated, so then it is judged that conditions have been improved so much as to be able to reconsider the chronology thereof. In this research paper, researcher tried to present the chronology and the status of changes with regard to the tombs located in the mid-west region from which short necked round bottom jars were excavated. To do this, the distinctive features of structures of the tomb and of the status of relic combinations were briefly reviewed, and then the phases of change were established with a focus on the classification of type of short necked jar without a paddle pattern and the deep bowl shaped pottery. Cross dating was done based on these works, and according to this chronology, changes in wooden coffin tomb were investigated. As the results, it was confirmed that the pit tomb having the part of the interment of belonging with corpse, of which chronology was so regarded as to fall into the period, ranging from the Proto-Three Kingdoms period to the early Three Kingdoms period, was wooden coffin tomb, and that it was then chronologized after the end of third century. Though it is not so clear, for there were no examples found in Seoul region, which is considered the center of Baekje, it is thought that Seoul would have not been excepted, when judging it based on the fact that there are more or less same trend of the tomb in the southern Gyeonggi and a part of the northern Chungcheong, except Seoul. Therefore, it will be ok if these tombs are considered the tombs representing the early Baekje Hanseong Period. And it is thought that chronology of the group of tombs in Seokchon-dong where Baekje potteries have been excavated and which were regarded as the tombs from the Baekje Hanseong Period, for it was already chronologized as in four century should be reconsidered.

목관묘, 중서부지역, 원삼국시대, 편년, 백제한성기, 소문단경호, 심발형토기
mid-western region of Korea, Proto-Three Kingdoms period, chronology, Baekje Hanseong period, the short necked jar without a paddle pattern, the deep bowl shaped pottery.

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