Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic", SASA 2014 Volume 64, Issue 2, Pages: 177-191
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Environmental monitoring and analysis of quality of the Nizhny Novgorod region ground water with the development of the technologies of their filtration

Kuberis Eduard Alexandrovich (Nizhny Novgorod state university of architecture and civil engineering, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Gorbachov Evgeny Alekseevich (Nizhny Novgorod state university of architecture and civil engineering, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

This article provides the analysis of the quality of underground water sources of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the necessity of improving of the iron removal and demanganation installations for groundwater treatment. The research data to find the most effective method for iron removal and water demanganation using experimental pilot installation in natural conditions are presented.

Keywords: purification, iron, manganese, contamination, water treatment