Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica 2006 Volume 53, Issue 1, Pages: 83-86
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Myomectomy by vaginal route

Zamurović M. (Ginekološko-akušerska klinika 'Narodni front', Beograd)
Stanojević D. (Ginekološko-akušerska klinika 'Narodni front', Beograd)
Srbinović P. (Ginekološko-akušerska klinika 'Narodni front', Beograd)
Cerović M. (Ginekološko-akušerska klinika 'Narodni front', Beograd)
Stanojević M. (Ginekološko-akušerska klinika 'Narodni front', Beograd)

Myomectomy by vaginal route is the least invasive of all methods for myoma removal. Compared to classical, abdominal myomectomy, it has numerous advantages, especially in cases of fundal and posterior wall myomas, but still it is relatively rarely performed. This study provides an analysis of operative and postoperative course of patients subjected to myomectomy by vaginal route in the period from 01/01/2003 to 01/11/2005 as well as the corresponding control group of patients which had undergone classical, abdominal myomectomy. The study points out to significance and advantages of application of surgical technique for removal of myoma through the posterior wall of the vagina as opposed to classical, abdominal myomectomy. Transvaginal myomectomy eliminates trauma of laparotomy, intraoperative blood loss is reduced, postoperative complications are down to minimum, postoperative recovery is shorter, and so is the number of days spent in hospital. Thus, by performing this type of surgery, a positive cost-benefit effect is obtained not only for the patient but for health authorities as well.

Keywords: myomectomy, colpotomy

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