Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 2021 Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages: 393-412
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The Roman domination number of some special classes of graphs - convex polytopes

Kartelj Aleksandar ORCID iD icon (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Serbia),
Grbić Milana (University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina),
Matić Dragan (University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina),
Filipović Vladimir ORCID iD icon (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Serbia),

In this paper we study the Roman domination number of some classes of planar graphs - convex polytopes: An, Rn and Tn. We establish the exact values of Roman domination number for: An, R3k, R3k+1, T8k, T8k+2, T8k+3, T8k+5 and T8k+6. For R3k+2, T8k+1, T8k+4 and T8k-1 we propose new upper and lower bounds, proving that the gap between the bounds is 1 for all cases except for the case of T8k+4, where the gap is 2.

Keywords: Roman domination number, Convex polytopes