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Vojnosanitetski pregled 2010 Volume 67, Issue 11, Pages: 928-932
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Frequency of foot deformity in preschool girls

Mihajlović Ilona (Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Novi Sad)
Smajić Miroslav (Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Novi Sad)
Sente Jelena (Klub podvodnih aktivnosti 'Sirmium', Sremska Mitrovica)

Background/Aim. In order to determine the moment of creation of postural disorders, regardless of the causes of this problem, it is necessary to examine the moment of entry of children into a new environment, ie. in kindergarten or school. There is a weak evidence about the age period when foot deformity occurs, and the type of these deformities. The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between the occurrence of foot deformities and age characteristics of girls. Methods. The research was conducted in preschools 'Radosno detinjstvo' in the region of Novi Sad, using the method of random selection, on the sample of 272 girls, 4-7 years of age, classified into four strata according to the year of birth. To determine the foot deformities measurement technique using computerized digitized pedografy (CDP) was applied. Results. In preschool population girls pes transversoplanus and calcanei valga deformities occurred in a very high percentage (over 90%). Disturbed longitudinal instep ie flat feet also appeared in a high percentage, but we noted the improvement of this deformity according to increasing age. Namely, there was a statistically significant correlation between the age and this deformity. As a child grows older, the deformity is lower. Conclusion. This study confirmed that the formation of foot arches probably does not end at the age of 3-4 years but lasts until school age.

Keywords: foot deformities, child preschool, diagnosis, sports medicine

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