Veterinarski glasnik 2005 Volume 59, Issue 3-4, Pages: 445-451
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Impact of ecological parameters on presence of yeasts and moulds in raw milk

Pešić-Mikulec Dragana (NIVS, Beograd)
Stojanović Lazar (Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd)

Ecological parameters such as temperature, humidity and other climatic factors in different geographical regions and ecological factors of food production have a complex impact on the speed of growth and multiplication of mould and yeasts. They enable one type of microorganisms to multiply on account of others. Several factors have an impact on the growth of mould and yeasts in raw milk, and the most important ones are as follows: aw, pH and temperature. The interplay between factors ultimately determines grow of yeasts and moulds in raw milk.

Keywords: ecological parameters, yeasts, mould, raw milk