Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva 2019 Volume 99, Issue 2, Pages: 37-64
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Tendencies in the population concentration in the Pomoravlje area

Veljović Radmila (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Serbia, PhD student)

The paper explores spatial dynamics of the level and the intensity of the concentration of population/settlements situated in the Pomoravlje area, during the post- Second World War period, including overall conditions of the territory and evolutional aspect of its developmental tendencies. By evaluating Census data from 1948-2011, the main focus had been set on population dynamics of the settlements of the Pomoravlje area, and its dependence with regards to geographic, hypsometric and locational aspects of the territory. Considering the population dynamics of settlements in this area, the core concentrations and directions of their movement over the 63-year period were separated. The aim is to determine the degree of territorial homogeneity/heterogeneity of population distribution, using Hoover index of concentration and index of population concentration, both examining the relation between population and the area in question, and Kant index of concentration which next to those, also includes vertical differentiation. Therefore, nucleuses of population concentration as the focal points of settlements’ expansion had been formed, as well as the population regression of small, underdeveloped settlements.

Keywords: population concentration, indexes of population concentration, hypsometric distribution of population, Pomoravlje area