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Archives of Biological Sciences 2011 Volume 63, Issue 3, Pages: 603-608
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Chromosome instability in Alzheimer’s disease

Spremo-Potparević B. (Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Physiology, Dept. of Biology and Human Genetics, Belgrade)
Živković L. (Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Physiology, Dept. of Biology and Human Genetics, Belgrade)
Plećas-Solarović B. (Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Physiology, Dept. of Biology and Human Genetics, Belgrade)
Bajić V.P. (Institute of Pharmaceutical Research, Galenika, Belgrade,)

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as the most common form of dementia, has for many years attracted the attention of researchers around the world, primarily because of the problems of reliable diagnostic methods that could help in the early detection of this devastating disease. One of the important aspects of genetic research related to AD is the analysis of chromosome instability which includes: aneuploidies of different chromosomes, telomere shortening and the phenomenon of premature centromere division (PCD). The aim of this study was to describe specific biomarkers in different types of cells as potential parameters for the diagnosis of AD in order to promptly recognize pre-symptomatic stages and prevent the development of disease and/or slow down its progression.

Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, chromosomes, aneuploidy, telomeres, centromere