
The adjustment of the Royal ancestral rites in Joseon Dynasty had influenced on the system of the temples for guarding the Royal Tomb. The guarding temple had to be changed after the official authorization of memorial service at the Royal Tomb as a tradition. Namely, the type of Royal Buddhist temple had affected by reduction and abolition of the Buddhist Royal Ancestral Rites. The main role in Royal ritual ceremony by the guarding temple had phrased out in the early period of Joseon and it replaced to the ritual space in the Royal Tomb called Jaesil operated by the dispatched officers. The system of the Royal ancestral rites had changed from the Buddhist management to the direct governmental management and the Royal Buddhist temple had a tendency to get a prefer architectural space without national regulation. The changed relationship between the Royal household and the Buddhist society into informality than before made the governmental support become unofficial and the architectural restriction become discharged. As it had got out of the official control in ceremony, it was possible to manage its own characteristic space and it had acquired the active space out of restriction.


능침사, 조포사, 산릉제사, 기신재, 정자각


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